यथा स्वप्नमयो जीवो जायते म्रियतेऽपि च ।तथा जीवा अमी सर्वे भवन्ति न भवन्ति च ॥ ६८ ॥यथा मायामयो जीवो जायते म्रियतेऽपि च ।तथा जीवा अमी सर्वे भवन्ति न भवन्ति च ॥ ६९ ॥यथा निर्मितको जीवो जायते म्रियतेऽपि च …
Mandukya Karika 4.67
उभे ह्यन्योन्यदृश्ये ते किं तदस्तीति नोच्यते ।लक्षणाशून्यमुभयं तन्मतेनैव गृह्यते ॥ ६७ ॥ ubhe hyanyonyadṛśye te kiṃ tadastīti nocyate |lakṣaṇāśūnyamubhayaṃ tanmatenaiva gṛhyate || 67 …
Thief and a Non-killer
Once a thief broke into the house of a man of this non-killing type. The boys of the house caught hold of the thief and were giving him a sound beating. The master hearing a great row came out on the …
Swami Swahananda
Swami Swahananda was the minister and spiritual leader of the Vedanta Society of Southern California from 1976 to 2012. He was born in a village near Habiganj in what is now Bangladesh, and was …
The Open Secret – Swami Vivekananda
Whichever way we turn in trying to understand things in their reality, if we analyse far enough, we find that at last we come to a peculiar state of things, seemingly a contradiction: something which …
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Mandukya Karika 4.65-66
चरन् जागरिते जाग्रद्दिक्षु वै दशसु स्थितान् ।अण्डजान् स्वेदजान्वाऽपि जीवान्पश्यति यान्सदा ॥ ६५ ॥जाग्रच्चित्तेक्षणीयास्ते न विद्यन्ते ततः पृथक् ।तथा तद्दृश्यमेवेदं जाग्रतश्चित्तमिष्यते ॥ ६६ ॥ caran …