Swami Shivananda has seen Sri Ramakrishna dwell everywhere in the monastery. He reminded the monks and devotees: ‘The Master Himself is present in Belur Math, for Swamiji installed His idol here. Know this as the truth.’ Swami Nikhilatmananda reminisced: ‘I used to mop the floor of the shrine every day. Sometimes the rainwater would flood the southern veranda of the shrine. One day after it rained I did not mop the veranda. Mahapurush Maharaj observed this from his room. Calling me to his room he said, “Look, is it the way to serve the Master? The Master can’ t walk on the veranda because of the rain water. His feet will get wet. What are you doing here? I see the Master walking on the veranda every afternoon. My child, always be careful so that Master may not feel discomfort. He is the soul of our souls, the Lord of the universe. If He is pleased, the whole world will be pleased.”’