Pali text, illustration and English translation of Dhammapada verse 13-14: yathā'gāraṃ ducchannaṃ vuṭṭhi samativijjhati |evaṃ abhāvitaṃ cittaṃ rāgo samativijjhati || 13 ||yathāgāraṃ …
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Voice of Vivekananda
By VivekaVani
Pali text, illustration and English translation of Dhammapada verse 13-14: yathā'gāraṃ ducchannaṃ vuṭṭhi samativijjhati |evaṃ abhāvitaṃ cittaṃ rāgo samativijjhati || 13 ||yathāgāraṃ …
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By VivekaVani
Om! That (Brahman) is infinite, and this (universe) is infinite.The infinite proceeds from the infinite.(Then) taking the infinitude of the infinite (universe),It remains as the infinite (Brahman) …
By VivekaVani
Pali text, illustration and English translation of Dhammapada verse 11-12: asāre sāramatino sāre cāsāradassino |te sāraṃ nādhigacchanti micchāsaṃkappagocarā || 11 ||sārañca sārato ñatvā …
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By VivekaVani
(Reminiscences: a Meeting With ‘M.’) In 1913 I matriculated and won a scholarship, getting high marks in Sanskrit and mathematics. But to come to the first impact of Grace which booned me with …
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By VivekaVani
(Reminiscences: Meeting Swami Brahmananda) Now it so happened that at this time Swami Brahmananda, formerly Rakhal Maharaj, was in Calcutta. My grandfather who, as a physician, had treated Sri …
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By VivekaVani
Socrates, (born c. 470 BCE, Athens—died 399 BCE, Athens), ancient Greek philosopher whose way of life, character, and thought exerted a profound influence on ancient and modern philosophy. Because …