Source: "The Upanishads - A New Translation" by Swami Nikhilananda Invocation Om ! May He protect us both together; may He nourish us both together;May we work conjointly with great energy,May …
Brihadaranyaka Upanishad
Source: "The Upanishads - A New Translation" by Swami Nikhilananda Invocation Om. That is full; this is full. This fullness has been projected from that fullness. When this …
Aitareya Upanishad
(Source: "The Upanishads - A New Translation" by Swami Nikhilananda) Invocation May my speech be fixed in my mind, may my mind be fixed in my speech! O self-luminous Brahman, be manifested …
Mandukya Upanishad (with Gaudapada Karikas)
Source: "The Upanishads - A New Translation" by Swami NikhilanandaChapter I - Agama Prakarana (The Chapter based on Vedic Testimony) I Harih Aum! AUM, the word, is all this, the whole …
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Prasna Upanishad
Source: "The Upanishads - A New Translation" by Swami Nikhilananda Invocation Om. May we, O gods, hear with our ears what is auspicious! May we, O worshipful gods, see with our eyes what …
Svetasvatara Upanishad
Source: "The Upanishads - A New Translation" by Swami Nikhilananda Invocation That is full; this is full. This fullness has been projected from that fullness. When this fullness merges in that …