(Detroit Free Press, February 18, 1894) Swami Vive Kananda, Hindoo philosopher and priest, concluded his series of lectures, or rather, sermons, at the Unitarian church last night, speaking on "The …
(Evening News, February 17, 1894) I cannot comply with the request of The News to work a miracle in proof of my religion," said Vive Kananda to a representative of this paper, after being shown The …
Hindoo Philosophy
(Detroit Free Press, February 16, 1894) The second lecture of the Hindoo monk, Swami Vive Kananda, was given last evening at the Unitarian church to a large and very appreciative audience. The …
Manners and Customs in India
(Appeal-Avalanche, January 21, 1894) Swami Vive Kananda, the Hindoo monk, delivered a lecture at La Salette Academy [Memphis] yesterday afternoon. Owing to the pouring rain, a very small audience …
Plea for Tolerance
(Memphis Commercial, January 17, 1894) An audience of fair proportions gathered last night at the Auditorium to greet the celebrated Hindu monk. Swami Vive Kananda, in his lecture on …
The Hindoo Monk
(Appeal-Avalanche, January 16, 1894) Swami Vive Kananda, the Hindoo monk, who is to lecture at the Auditorium [Memphis] tonight, is one of the most eloquent men who has ever appeared on the …