अथ यो वेदेदं मन्वानीति सात्मा मनोऽस्य दैवं चक्षुः स वा एष एतेन दैवेन चक्षुषा मनसैतान्कामान्पश्यन्रमते य एते ब्रह्मलोके ॥ ८.१२.५ ॥ atha yo vededaṃ manvānīti sātmā mano'sya daivaṃ cakṣuḥ sa vā eṣa …
December 5: Gratefulness
As for you, my dear, noble, kind friend, I only would say this--we Indians lack in many things, but there is none on earth to beat us in gratefulness. (p.91, V.9, Complete Works of Swami …
Chandogya Upanishad 8.12.4
अथ यत्रैतदाकाशमनुविषण्णं चक्षुः स चाक्षुषः पुरुषो दर्शनाय चक्षुरथ यो वेदेदं जिघ्राणीति स आत्मा गन्धाय घ्राणमथ यो वेदेदमभिव्याहराणीति स आत्माभिव्याहाराय वागथ यो वेदेदं शृणवानीति स आत्मा श्रवणाय …
December 4: Keep the Body and Mind Strong
It is very rare and unlikely that a man will not make any mistake; but by realizing one’s fault and desisting from repeating it, one manifests one’s manliness. Without brooding over past deeds, if one …
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Chandogya Upanishad 8.12.3
एवमेवैष सम्प्रसादोऽस्माच्छरीरात्समुत्थाय परं ज्योतिरुपसम्पद्य स्वेन रूपेणाभिनिष्पद्यते स उत्तमपुरुषः स तत्र पर्येति जक्षत्क्रीडन्रममाणः स्त्रीभिर्वा यानैर्वा ज्ञातिभिर्वा नोपजनं स्मरन्निदं शरीरं स यथा …
December 3: Truth Always Triumphs
Let me remind you again, "Thou hast the right to work but not to the fruits thereof." Stand firm like a rock. Truth always triumphs. Let the children of Shri Ramakrishna be true to themselves and …