- Sadhus should depend one hundred percent on God. They should not accumulate things.
- A holy person is one whose mind, heart, and soul are merged in God. He who has renounced ‘lust and greed’ is a holy person.
- Until you have completely renounced in the mind, you cannot attain God. A sadhu cannot accumulate things. ‘The bird and the sadhu do not hoard.’ Birds and wandering monks do not store things for tomorrow.
- A person who plays chess doesn’t see his move clearly, while the onlookers can see much better and can suggest moves to the player. Holy people who have renounced the world are unattached to worldly things and are more knowledgeable than worldly people. Since they don’t play the game themselves, they can tell the moves better from outside.
- You have to put your faith in the words of those holy men and great souls who have realized God. They contemplate God constantly.
- There are three classes of sadhus: superior, mediocre and inferior. The superior class makes no effort to obtain food. The mediocre and the inferior kinds of holy men – among them dandis – beg for alms, saying, ‘Namo Narayana,’ and stand patiently waiting. The inferior sadhus kick up a row if they are not given alms.
- Do you know what the nature of a saintly person is? He doesn’t hurt anybody, he doesn’t harass anybody. If one has genuine love and devotion for the Lord, one does not take a false step, does not give trouble to others for nothing.
- It is not right to keep the company of bad people. You must keep some distance from them. You must save yourself from them.
- Transitory is human life, like drops of water dancing on lotus leaves, The company of a holy man even for a moment serves as a boat to take one across the sea of this world.