- It is the mind that matters. If the mind is bound, you are bound; if the mind is free, you are free. The mind gets dyed in the colour into which it is dipped.
- If the mind is kept in bad company, it adopts the same style of conversation and thoughts. If you keep it in the company of devotees, and if you meditate on God, then talk about God will follow.
- It is the mind that binds and it is the mind that liberates. I am a free soul, I may live in the household or in the forest, there is no bondage for me. I am a child of the Lord, the son of the King of Kings; who will bind me then?
- The mind is like a fresh white cloth. It takes on the colour it’s dipped in. By keeping the mind in falsehood for any length of time, it will take on the colour of falsehood.
- The mind is like milk. If you keep it in the water of the world, the milk will get mixed with water. You must transform the milk into curds in a lonely corner to take the butter from it, then that butter can easily be kept in the water of the world.
- God cannot be known by the senses or the mind. He can only be known by the pure mind, the mind that has no worldly desires.
- You should say to yourself, There is no one in this world who is my own. Those whom I call mine are so for just two days. Only God is my own. He alone is my all.
- God is not visible to this mind, but to the purified mind! Then this mind disappears. Even one who has the least trace of attachment to sense objects does not succeed. When the mind is purified, you may call it the pure mind, or the pure Atman.
- Afraid am I to speak the word to you; equally afraid am I not to speak it. The fear that arises in my mind is that I may lose you, yes, be robbed of you, my wealth, my treasure! Knowing well your mind, we shall teach you the mantra (holy name) that is to bring you to the Beloved. Now ready yourself to receive that mantra which enabled us on many occasions to steer the ship safely to land. [This is a song]
- He whose mind dwells in God is truly a man – that is, mana-hosha (of awakened mind). He whose spiritual consciousness has been awakened knows clearly that God is eternal and everything else is ephemeral. He is a man with an awakened mind.
- When butter is heated, it makes a crackling sound. But when it is thoroughly boiled, the crackling sound ceases. As a man’s mind is, so is his conception of God.
- Why do you harp on money? You talk so much of your wife and of name and fame. Give all these up and direct your mind to God with full concentration. Enjoy the bliss of God.
- When the mind is united with God, one sees God very near. One sees God within one’s own heart.