- A salt doll went to measure the depth of the ocean. As soon as it went into the water, it melted and became one with it. Then who was there to tell about it?
- A sign of the highest spiritual knowledge is that a person becomes silent. The salt doll of ‘I-ness’ gets dissolved in the sea of Sat-chit-ananda – not a trace of differentiation remains.
- The path of knowledge, is a very difficult path. If the least trace of worldliness – attachment to ‘lust and greed’ – persists, one cannot attain knowledge. This path is not for the Kaliyuga.
- You can get rid of I-consciousness when you attain spiritual knowledge. Attaining it, you go into samadhi, and only in samadhi does ‘I-ness’ disappear.
- What happens when the mind ascends to the seventh plane cannot be described in words. Once a ship enters dark waters, it doesn’t return.
- The knowers of the Self say ‘So ‘ham’; that is, ‘I am that Paramatman (the highest Self).’ This is the view of the sannyasins of the Vedantic school. But it is not suited for householders. They feel they perform all actions and duties themselves, so how can they say, ‘I am that Paramatman beyond all action?’
- After gaining knowledge and loving devotion to God, there is not much danger in living a householder’s life.
- Those who want the knowledge of the Absolute will attain it, even if they adopt and tread the path of love and devotion. Remember that the gracious loving Lord of the devotees grants the knowledge of Brahman if He so wishes.
- When you have attained knowledge, you no longer see God at a distance. He is no longer ‘He’ – He becomes ‘this.’ Then He is seen in your own heart.
- After one has attained the highest knowledge, both God and His Power are realized as one and the same, like a jewel and its lustre are inseparable. As soon as the brilliance of a jewel comes to the mind, one thinks of the jewel.
- As long as there is I’ and ‘you’, as long as there is the knowledge, ‘I pray or I meditate,’ so long does the feeling of ‘You (the Lord) listen to my prayer’ exist.
- A person liberated in this very life, may live as a householder if he so wills. For a man who has attained spiritual knowledge, there is nothing like ‘here’ and ‘there.’ It is all the same for him. Everything ‘here’ as well as ‘there’ belongs to Him.
- When one has attained the highest spiritual knowledge, one’s nature becomes that of a five year-old child. Then one no longer distinguishes between a man and a woman.
- You cannot attain knowledge until you are rid of the ego. There is a saying: ‘When shall I be free? When “I” ceases to be.’ ‘My’ and ‘mine’ are ignorance; ‘You’ and ‘Yours’ are knowledge.