- The company of the holy, chanting His name and glories, and constant prayer to Him.
- It is necessary to keep the constant company of holy people. The disease is chronic. One has to act on their advice and not just listen to them. One has to take medicine and control one’s diet.
- Whatever work a man does, he must keep the company of the holy from time to time. If a man is devoted to God, he will seek holy company himself. A hemp smoker keeps the company of other hemp smokers.
- The company of holy men is always essential. Holy men bring you in contact with the Lord.
- One should take a little trouble to seek the company of the holy. At home one only talks of worldly matters. There is always one ailment or the other. The parrot says, ‘Rama, Rama,’ only when it settles on a perch. While flying through the jungle, it only squawks.
- It is good to associate with sadhus every now and then. Man always suffers from the disease of worldliness. The company of sadhus mitigates it to a large extent.
- What is the way? Chanting His name and glories, associating with sadhus, and praying to Him with a longing heart.
- The path of knowledge and discrimination is difficult. Parvati, revealing Her different forms to her father, Giriraj, said: ‘Father, if you want the knowledge of Brahman, associate with holy men.’
- There are many ideas written in books. But the authors of the books do not assimilate the ideas themselves. It is only by keeping the company of holy men that one can internalize them. It is only when a holy man with genuine renunciation instructs them that people listen. When a mere pundit writes a book or lectures, people do not assimilate much.
Service to Holy
- They who make the right use of money, that is, spend it on the service of the deities, of sadhus and devotees, and give it away in charity, succeed. Only they really achieve their goal.
- When I touch money, my hand twists and my breathing stops. There is no harm in using money to lead a spiritual life, to serve deities, and to spend on sadhus and devotees.