- If you enter the water after smearing your body with turmeric, you need not fear the crocodiles. Discrimination and non-attachment are the turmeric.
- God alone is real and eternal. All else is unreal, transitory, lasting just a few days. One must realize this and develop love for God, attachment to God, devotion to Him.
- You attain discrimination only when dispassion comes to the mind. When you have attained discrimination, you begin to think of the truth.
- One needs the opportunity – the company of holy people, discrimination, finding a true preceptor.
- What use is mere learning without discrimination and dispassion? When I see that a pundit is without discrimination and has no love for God, he appears to me just like a dry piece of straw.
- What will learning and lecturing avail one if he does not have discrimination (viveka) and dispassion (vairagya)? The Lord is the only Reality and all else is transitory; only He is real, all else is unreal – this is called discrimination.
- First install Him in the temple of your heart. Speeches and lectures can be delivered later if you like. What use is it to cry ‘Brahman, Brahman,’ unless you have discrimination and dispassion? is just like blowing a conch shell.
- Many pundits talk of jnana. They only talk of it, but they don’t put their words into practice. They are like vultures that soar high but their gaze remains fixed on the charnel pits. In other words, they remain attached to ‘lust and gold,’ to the world. When I hear of a pundit having discrimination and nonattachment, I am in awe of him.
- The way is: discrimination, nonattachment, and love for God. Without practicing discrimination, one cannot make a correct statement. Samadhyayi, after expounding religion for some time, said, ‘God is devoid of sweetness and bliss.’ That is like saying, ‘There is a cowshed full of horses at my maternal uncle’s house.’ Do horses live in cowsheds?
- Why can’t one attain God in family life! But one must develop discrimination and non-attachment. The Lord is the Reality and all else is ephemeral – for two days only. This idea must become firmly established in the mind. Swimming on the surface will not do. One must dive deep.
- There is the danger of crocodiles – of lust and the rest. That is why one must first rub one’s body with turmeric and then dive – that turmeric is discrimination and nonattachment.
- Pray to Him with intense longing, pray that you develop the faculty of discrimination. God is the only Reality and all else is transitory – this is discrimination. One must purify water by passing it through a fine sieve. The dirt in the water remains on one side and the clean water passes to the other side of the sieve. Apply the sieve of discrimination to the world. Know Him and live a family life. It will then be the world of spirituality.
- One should not listen to the instructions of a pundit who has not realized that the world is ephemeral. Only a pundit who has gained discrimination and dispassion has the right to instruct mankind. “Samadhyayi said that the Lord is totally devoid of sweetness, love and bliss. He called Him joyless and tasteless who is the very fountain of love and bliss! Somebody said, ‘My maternal uncle keeps a cowshed full of horses.’
- Mere learning and scholarship benefit one not at all. Pundits know so much and hear a lot of things – the Vedas, the Puranas and the Tantras. But of what avail is mere learning? Discrimination and non-attachment are necessary. One must listen to him alone who has attained discrimination and non-attachment. Of what use are the words of those who have made the world their main goal in life?