This is a Sanskrit hymn to Sri Ramakrishna, composed by Swami Vivekananda.
ॐ ह्रीं ऋतं त्वमचलो गुणजिद्गुणेड्यो
नक्तं दिवं सकरुणं तव पादपद्मम्।
मोहङ्कषं बहुकृतं न भजे यतोऽहं
तस्मात्त्वमेव शरणं मम दीनबन्धो॥ १॥
भक्तिर्भगश्च भजनं भवभेदकारि
गच्छन्त्यलं सुविपुलं गमनाय तत्त्वम्।
वक्त्रोद्धृतोपि हृदि मे न च भाति किञ्चित्
तस्मात्त्वमेव शरणं मम दीन बन्धो॥ २॥
तेजस्तरन्ति त्वरितं त्वयि तृप्ततृष्णाः
रागं कृते ऋतपथे त्वयि रामकृष्णे।
मर्त्यामृतं तव पदं मरणोर्मिनाशं
तस्मात्त्वमेव शरणं मम दीनबन्धो॥ ३॥
कृत्यं करोति कलुषं कुहकान्तकारि
ष्णान्तं शिवं सुविमलं तव नाम नाथ।
यस्मादहमशरणो जगदेकगम्य
तस्मात्त्वमेव शरणं मम दीनबन्धो॥ ४॥
ॐ स्थापकाय च धर्मस्य सर्वधर्मस्वरूपिणे।
अवतारवरिष्ठाय रामकृष्णाय ते नमः॥
ॐ नमः श्री भगवते रामकृष्णाय नमो नमः॥
ॐ नमः श्री भगवते रामकृष्णाय नमो नमः॥
ॐ नमः श्री भगवते रामकृष्णाय नमो नमः॥
om hrīṁ ṛtaṁ tvam acalo guṇajid-guṇeḍyo
naktaṁ divaṁ sakaruṇaṁ tava pāda-padmam |
mohaṅ-kaṣaṁ bahu-kṛtaṁ na bhaje yato’haṁ
tasmāt tvameva śaraṇaṁ mama dīna-bandho || 1||
bhaktir-bhagaśca bhajanaṁ bhava-bheda-kāri
gacchanty-alaṁ suvipulaṁ gamanāya tattvam |
vaktrod-dhṛtopi hṛdi me na ca bhāti kiñcit
tasmāt tvameva śaraṇaṁ mama dīna-bandho || 2||
tejas taranti tvaritaṁ tvayi tṛpta-tṛṣṇāḥ
rāgaṁ kṛte ṛtapathe tvayi rāmakṛṣṇe |
martyāmṛtaṁ tava padaṁ maraṇormi-nāśaṁ
tasmāt tvameva śaraṇaṁ mama dīnabandho || 3||
kṛtyaṁ karoti kaluṣaṁ kuhakāntakāri
ṣṇāntaṁ śivaṁ suvimalaṁ tava nāma nātha |
yasmādaham aśaraṇo jagad-eka-gamya
tasmāt tvameva śaraṇaṁ mama dīna-bandho || 4||
om sthāpakāya ca dharmasya sarva-dharma-svarūpiṇe |
avatāra variṣṭhāya rāmakṛṣṇāya te namaḥ ||
om namaḥ śrī bhagavate rāmakṛṣṇāya namo namaḥ ||
om namaḥ śrī bhagavate rāmakṛṣṇāya namo namaḥ ||
om namaḥ śrī bhagavate rāmakṛṣṇāya namo namaḥ ||
You are the mystic sounds Om and Hrim. You are truth and the immutable reality. You have conquered the gunas—nature, and yet are adored for your gunas—your virtues. Since I do not worship your holy feet, capable of destroying all delusion and full of compassion, with longing day and night, therefore, O friend of the lowly, you are my only refuge.
Devotion, divine qualities, and worship, which break the bonds of the world, are indeed sufficient to take one to the highest truth. But though I utter these words with my lips, they find no echo in my heart. Therefore, O friend of the lowly, you are my only refuge.
They quickly transcend the fire of this world who are devoted to you; all their desires are fulfilled in you, O Ramakrishna, who are the path to truth. Your feet, like nectar to mortal beings, quell the waves of death. Therefore, O friend of the lowly, you are my only refuge.
O Lord, your name, ending in “shna”, is auspicious and pure. It destroys all taint and turns evil into virtue. O sole goal of all the worlds, as I have no place to go for shelter, therefore, O friend of the lowly, you are my only refuge
Salutations to you, O Ramakrishna, the establisher of dharma, the embodiment of all religions, and the paragon of avataras.
Om, salutations to Bhagavan Sri Ramakrishna, salutations again and again.