Dayananda, Swami (Bimal Maharaj)—Born of noble-hearted parents in a well-off family of Baganchra (Nadia), the Swami possessed the great qualities necessary for leading the higher ideal of life. Was the younger brother of Swami Madhavananda, the ninth President of the Order. When about to complete his studies in M.Sc., renounced the world and joined the Ramakrishna Order. An initiated disciple of the Holy Mother, joined at Udbodhan (Baghbazar Math) in 1915 and had sannyasa from Swami Brahmananda in 1921. Had the rare privilege of serving the Holy Mother while at Udbodhan. Was posted to Advaita Ashrama, Mayavati, in 1921 and worked there till he was sent to San Francisco, USA, in 1926. Took charge of that centre in April 1929 and continued as such till the beginning of August 1931. While in the United States, he visited some of the maternity and child welfare centres there and was much impressed by the welfare activities conducted in a scientific manner. Returned to India in 1932 with the intention of establishing such a centre for the welfare of the poor mothers and children of our country. On his way back visited some of the European countries, including Russia, and was glad to see the maternity and child welfare centres in some of those countries.
In July 1932 founded the “Sishu Mangal Pratishthan”—a maternity and child welfare clinic—in a rented house in South Calcutta, which in the course of years shifted to its own land and buildings, and gradually grew into a full-fledged general hospital called “Seva Pratishthan”. He continued as the Secretary of Seva Pratishthan till 1963, after which he became one of the Vice-presidents of its Managing Committee. He continued as such till the end. Was elected a Trustees of the Math and a member of the Governing Body of the Mission in March 1947. Under his able care and guidance, the Seva Pratishthan has become what it is today—a true and tangible memorial of Swami Dayanandaji’s spirit of selfless service and sacrifice for the good and happiness of all humanity. His exquisite gentleness, love, and amiability endeared him to all and evoked their deepest affection and regard for him. Passed away on 5.6.1980 at the Seva Pratishthan, Calcutta, at the age of 88.
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