Swami Virajananda (1873-1951)
Sixth President of the Order. Pre-monastic name Kalikrishna Bose. Born on 10.6.1873, eldest son of Trailokyanath and Nishadkali. Ancestral home in Kodaliya village of West Bengal, resided at 39, Narikeldanga Main Road in Simulia Palli. Passed Entrance Examination (1890) from Ripon School. As a college student used to visit Kankurgachhi Yogodyan but began to frequent Baranagore Math upon M.’s advice. Renounced the world (1891) with mother’s permission, joined the Order at Belur Math. Darshan and blessings of Holy Mother gained during Jagaddhatri Puja at Jayrambati (1891) and initiation from her at the garden-house of Nilambar Mukherjee (1893). At Mother’s behest returned home for two years due to failing health. Brief sojourn at Vrindavan practising spiritual disciplines in close proximity of Swami Premananda. Ordained into sannyasa by Swamiji at Alambazar Math (1897). Sent on a tour of Dhaka, Mymensingh and Barisal with Swami Prakashananda to disseminate the Master’s teachings (4.2.’99). Met Nag Mahashay at Deobhog. Back at the Math attended on Swamiji. Service at Mayavati Advaita Ashrama, then its President (1906-1913). Edited and published Swamiji’s Life by his Eastern and Western disciples and the Complete Works. Editor of Prabuddha Bharata. Appointed Trustee of the Math and the Mission and Member of the Governing Body (1906). Founded “Vivekananda Ashrama” at Shyamala Tal and practised austerities there (1914-26), also editing Swamiji’s biography. Visited South India and Sri Lanka. Grief-stricken upon the passing of Holy Mother (1920) who meant everything to him. Appointed Secretary of the Working Committee (1926) chosen for his “Seniority and efficiency as also for the suavity of his temper and his detached outlook.” Took charge of the Ramakrishna Math at Baghbazar (Mother’s House) and of Sister Nivedita Girls’ School. Secretary of the Order for a year (1930) and permanently (1934). Elected Vice-President (1938) and President of the Order (December 1938). Travelled extensively in North, Western and Eastern India. Led the Order in trying times but never lost his composure. Was the principal force behind the founding of Belur Vidyamandir and Saradapitha. Virajananda’s encouragement and inspiration also effected the establishment of a monastery for women—Sri Sarada Math, founded in 1954, Swamiji’s dream become a reality. All his actions, words revealed how he was completely imbued with Swamiji’s ideals. Once, in the presence of Holy Mother he having bemoaned that he had not seen the Master, she replied, “But you have seen me!” implying that she and the Master being one and the same, seeing her was as good as seeing the Master. Died on 30.5.1951 at Belur Math.
Works: Paramartha Prasanga (1351, according to Bengali calendar), translated into English as Towards the Goal of Supreme (New York, 1950). For details see The Story of an Epoch by Swami Shraddhananda, Monastic Disciples of Swami Vivekananda’ by Swami Abjajananda.