All souls are playing, some consciously, some unconsciously. Religion is learning to play consciously. The same law which holds good in our worldly life also holds good in our religious life and in …
Ishvara and Brahman – Swami Vivekananda
In reply to a question as to the exact position of Ishvara in Vedantic Philosophy, the Swami Vivekananda, while in Europe, gave the following definition: "Ishvara is the sum total of individuals, …
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On Bhakti-Yoga – Swami Vivekananda
The dualist thinks you cannot be moral unless you have a God with a rod in His hand, ready to punish you. How is that? Suppose a horse had to give us a lecture on morality, one of those very wretched …
The Evils of Adhikarivada – Swami Vivekananda
In one of his question classes the talk drifted on to the Adhikârivâda, or the doctrine of special rights and privileges, and Swamiji in pointing out vehemently the evils that have resulted from it …
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The Sannyasin and The Householder – Swami Vivekananda
The men of the world should have no voice in the affairs of the Sannyâsins. The Sannyasin should have nothing to do with the rich, his duty is with the poor. He should treat the poor with loving care …
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The Sannyasin – Swami Vivekananda
In explanation of the term Sannyâsin, the Swami in the course of one of his lectures in Boston said: When a man has fulfilled the duties and obligations of that stage of life in which he is born, …