(Minneapolis Star, November 25, 1893) "Brahminism" in all its subtle attraction, because of its embodiment of ancient and truthful principles, was the subject which held an audience in closest …
An Interesting Lecture
(Wisconsin State Journal, November 21, 1893) The lecture at the Congregational Church [Madison] last night by the celebrated Hindoo monk, Vivekananda, was an extremely interesting one, and …
Hindu Civilisation
[Although the lecture at Streator on October 9 was well attended, the Streator Daily Free Press of October 9 ran the following somewhat dreary review:] The lecture of this celebrated …
(Evanston Index, October 7, 1893) At the Congregational Church, during the past week, there have been given a course of lectures which in nature much resembled the Religious Parliament which has …
Personal Traits
(Critic, October 7, 1893) . . . It was an outgrowth of the Parliament of Religions, which opened our eyes to the fact that the philosophy of the ancient creeds contains much beauty for the moderns. …
At the Parliament of Religions
(The Dubuque, Iowa, Times, September 29, 1893) WORLD'S FAIR, Sept. 28. — (Special.) — The Parliament of religions reached a point where sharp acerbities develop. The thin veil of courtesy was …