Doubt is like a disease of the mind. It arises every now and then. Although Yogin-ma was an intimate companion of Holy Mother, she at one time, doubted her divinity. She said to herself: ‘Sri Ramakrishna was the embodiment of renunciation, and Mother is engrossed in the world, preoccupied day and night with the thought of her brothers, sister-in-law, nephews, and nieces.’ One day soon after she was seated on the bank of the Ganga, meditating, Sri Ramakrishna appeared to her in a vision and said, ‘Do you see what is being carried by the water of the Ganga?’ Yogin-ma looked and saw the corpse of a newborn baby. She also saw many people offering worship to Mother Ganga. The Master then said: ‘Can anything make the Ganga impure? Regard her [the Holy Mother] in the same way. Never doubt her. Remember, she is not different from this [meaning himself ].’ Yogin-ma immediately rushed to Holy Mother and, after telling her the whole story, apologized. The Holy Mother smiled and consoled her.