SATURDAY, July 20, 1895. Perception is our only real knowledge or religion. Talking about it for ages will never make us know our soul. There is no difference between theories and …
Friday, July 19 – Inspired Talks
FRIDAY, July 19, 1895. So long as I say "you", I have the right to speak of God protecting us. When I see another, I must take all the consequences and put in the third, the ideal, which …
Thursday, July 18 – Inspired Talks
THURSDAY, July 18, 1895. (The lesson today was mainly Shankara's argument against the conclusion of the Sânkhya philosophy.) The Sankhyas say that consciousness is a compound, and beyond …
Wednesday, July 17 – Inspired Talks
WEDNESDAY, July 17, 1895. Râmânuja divides the universe into Chit, Achit, and Ishvara — man, nature, and God; conscious, subconscious, and superconscious. Shankara, on the contrary, says that …
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Tuesday, July 16 – Inspired Talks
TUESDAY, July 16, 1895. (Shankara) The "unseen cause" (Or mass of subtle impressions.) leads us to sacrifice and worship, which in turn produce seen results; but to attain liberation we must …
Monday, July 15 – Inspired Talks
MONDAY, July 15, 1895. Where there is polyandry, as in Tibet, women are physically stronger than the men. When the English go there, these women carry large men up the mountains. In …