ONCE, a king asked a yogi to impart Knowledge to him in one word. The yogi said, "All right; you will get knowledge in one word." After a while a magician came to the king. The king saw the magician …
How Sri Chaitanya Attracted the Worldly
WORLDLY people will never listen to you if you ask them to renounce everything and devote themselves wholeheartedly to God. Therefore Chaitanya and Nitai, after some deliberation, made an arrangement …
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One Who Sees ‘elephant God’ Should Heed the Words of ‘mahut God’
IN a forest there lived a holy man who had many disciples. One day he taught them to see God in all beings and knowing this, to bow low before them all. A disciple went to the forest to gather wood …
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On Company of the Holy
IN THE Puranas we are told that when Uma, the Mother of the universe, incarnated Herself as the daughter of Himalaya, She blessed him with the vision of the various manifestations of the Omnipresent …
Self-surrender Knows No Complaint
WHEN Rama and Lakshmana went to take their bath in Pampa Lake, they thrust their bows into the ground. Coming out of the water, Lakshmana took out his bow and found its tip stained with blood. Rama …
The Avadhuta and His Upa-gurus
THE Guru is only one, but Upa-gurus (secondary gurus) may be many. He is an Upa-guru from whom anything whatsoever is learned. It is mentioned in the Bhagavata that the great Avadhuta (a great yogi) …