A POOR brahmana had a rich cloth merchant as his disciple. The merchant was very miserly by nature. One day the brahmana was in need of a small piece of cloth for covering his sacred book. He went to …
What You Are After, is Within Yourself
A MAN wanted a smoke. He went to a neighbour's house to light his charcoal. It was the dead of night and the household was asleep. After he had knocked a great deal, someone came down to open the …
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A Devotee Avoids What the World Runs After
AFTER the death of Ravana, his brother Vibhishana refused to be the King of Ceylon. He said: "O Rama, I have obtained you. What shall I do with Kingship?" Rama said: "Vibhishana, be King for the …
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Be Watchful
ONE should be extremely watchful. Even clothes create vanity. I notice that even a man suffering from an enlarged spleen sings Nidhu Babu's light songs when he is dressed up in black-bordered cloth. …
How’s a Fallen Sannyasi
Do you know how it looks for a Sannyasi to accept money or to be attached to an object of temptation? It is as if a brahmana widow who had practised continence and lived on simple boiled rice and …
The Wine of Heavenly Bliss
THE son said to the father, "Father, you taste a little wine, and after that, if you ask me to give up drinking, I shall do so." After drinking the wine, the father said: "Son, you may give it up. I …