Sant Ekanath (1533-1599) appeared almost 300 years after Sant Jnaneshvar and Sant Namdev. But he is regarded as their spiritual successor, a link-figure, who prepared the way for Sant Tukaram, the …
Mahendranath Datta: Younger brother of Swami Vivekananda
Mahendranath Datta (1869-1956) - Second Surviving son of Vishwanath and Bhuvaneswari, younger brother of Swamiji in his pre-monastic life. Lifelong bachelor, tireless seeker of knowledge, possessed …
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Shivaram Chattopadhyay
Shivaram Chattopadhyay (1866-1933) - Youngest son of Rameshwar, the Master’s second elder brother. Born on 30.3.1866 at Kamarpukur, known to devotees as “Shibudada”. Favoured nephew of Holy Mother, …
Atul Chandra Ghosh
Youngest brother of the renowned actor and playwright Girish Chandra Ghosh, practised law at Calcutta High Court. Met the Master for the first time at Girishchandra’s house. Initially used to refer to …
Thirumalisai Alvar
By that time Kaliyuga was commencing. Then Sudarshana Chakra told to Lord, "Lord, as the three of the Alvars have already gone, let me go now." Lord sadly replied, "Dear son! It is good that you …
Sant Janabai
Of all the Maharashtrian women sants, Janabai is the most popular and her abhangs are sung widely. The way she performed all her household chores together with Vitthala, giving to her daily drudgery a …