SUNDAY, July 14, 1895. Philosophy in India means that through which we see God, the rationale of religion; so no Hindu could ever ask for a link between religion and philosophy. Concrete, …
Saturday, July 13 – Inspired Talks
SATURDAY, July 13th, 1895. Everything we know is a compound, and all sense-knowledge comes through analysis. To think that mind is a simple, single, or independent is dualism. Philosophy is …
Friday, July 12 – Inspired Talks
FRIDAY, July 12, 1895. (Shankara's Commentary.) Fourth Vyasa Sutra. "Âtman (is) the aim of all." Ishvara is to be known from the Vedanta; all Vedas point to Him (Who is the Cause; the …
Thursday, July 11 – Inspired Talks
THURSDAY, July 11, 1895. Without mother-love no creation could continue. Nothing is entirely physical, nor yet entirely metaphysical; one presupposes the other and explains the other. All …
Wednesday, July 10 – Inspired Talks
WEDNESDAY, July 10, 1895. There are sixty-five million Mohammedans in India, some of them Sufis.1 Sufis identify man with God, and through them this idea came into Europe. They say, …
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Tuesday, July 9 – Inspired Talks
TUESDAY, July 9, 1895. Man as Atman is really free; as man he is bound, changed by every physical condition. As man, he is a machine with an idea of freedom; but this human body is the best …