“Bhakti is the only essential thing. One obtains love of God by constantly chanting His name and singing His glories. It is necessary to seek the company of the holy men, practice prayer, and listen …
October 31: Names of God
Rama is one, but He has a thousand names. He who is called ‘God’ by the Christians is addressed by the Hindus as Rama, Krishna, Isvara, and by other names. A lake has many ghats. The Hindus drink …
October 30: What Is the Lesson of the Gita?
Birth of Swami Vijnanananda (1868) In the last years of his life, Swamiji’s mind was mostly absorbed in God-consciousness. One day Swamiji remarked: “I cannot say anything to Peshan because I see …
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October 29: Shadow of Reality
This world is a mixture of sand and sugar. Like the ant, one should discard the sand and eat the sugar. He who can eat the sugar is clever indeed. Build a quiet place for thinking of God – a place for …
October 27: Have an Ideal
The heart of the devotee is the abode of God. He dwells, no doubt, in all beings, but He especially manifests Himself in the heart of the devotee. A landlord may at one time or another visit all parts …
‘I shall eat through their mouths…’ – Sri Ramakrishna
For several years, the birth anniversaries of Sri Ramakrishna and Swami Vivekananda were celebrated at Shibnagar, the expenses being borne by the Maharaja of Kasimbazar, the Berhampur gentry, and the …
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