God assumes forms for the sake of His devotees. Through ecstatic love a devotee sees God with form…. One must accept everything: God with form and God without form…. A man reads a little of the Gita, …
September 29: Hindu Society
There are various paths to reach God. Each view is a path. It is like reaching the Kali Temple by different roads. No one else is here, and you are my own people. Let me tell you something. I have …
September 26: Guru’s Grace
They are not eight bonds, but eight fetters. But what if they are? These fetters fall off in a moment, by the grace of God. Do you know what it is like? Suppose a room has been kept dark a thousand …
September 22: Satchidananda is the Guru
What will one achieve by renouncing only these things? The one thing needful is the renunciation of ‘woman and gold’. That renunciation is the real and supreme renunciation. Householders should go …
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September 21: Sincerity and Simplicity
Subtle are the ways of dharma. One cannot realize God if one has even the least trace of desire. A thread cannot pass through the eye of a needle if it has the smallest fibre sticking out…During the …
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September 19: Take the Plunge
Once When Sri Ramakrishna was lying ill at Cossipore, a few devotees brought some offerings for Mother Kali of Dakshineshwar Temple. On hearing that the Master was at Cossipore, they offered all the …