Trailokyanath Sanyal (1840-1916) - Brahmo devotee, wellknown composer of songs and singer. Follower of Keshab Chandra Sen and author, favoured by the Master for his devotional songs. Born at …
Rani Rashmoni
Rani Rasmani (27.9.1793 – 24.2.1861)—Founded the famed temple-complex at Dakshineswar (1855), hallowed by the presence there of Sri Ramakrishna (1855-1885), the sacred site of his legendary spiritual …
Bhavatarini Devi
Bhavatarini Devi (1877–1973) - Better known as “Basumati Ma”, wife of Upendranath Mukherjee, lay devotee of the Master and founder of the publishing house “Basumati Sahitya Mandir”. Born in a family …
Kulasekhara Alvar
The door-sill present in front of the Lord in Tirumala is called as Kulasekhara Padi. Because a great personality by name Kulasekhara Alvar transformed into a sill and keeps looking at Lord always. …
12 Alvar Saints
The term "Alvars" refers to a group of twelve ancient Tamil poet-saints in South India who were devoted to the worship of Lord Vishnu. The Alvars lived between the 5th and 9th centuries CE and played …
Vaishnavcharan Goswami
Vaishnavcharan Goswami—Famous Vaishnava scholar of his times, leader of the contemporary Vaishnava community, acknowledged authority on Bhakti text including the Bhagavata. Son of the reputed sadhaka …